As our CEO Jeff King and Chair Jennifer Quart announced in our live YouTube Premiere event, we’re proud to announce that the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV) name and brand is officially changing. 

Beginning Monday, February 12, REBGV will become known as Greater Vancouver REALTORS® (GVR). 

At that time, we will adopt this logo:

About our new brand

The new logo incorporates modern, vibrant colours and cleverly includes a logo mark representing housing and people.   

“Through time and effort, we will seek to build significant equity into the Greater Vancouver REALTORS® brand. We want GVR and its members to be synonymous with quality, innovation, and professionalism in real estate across Canada,” said Jeff King, CEO of GVR.

What will change and when?

On the morning of February 12, you’ll notice that our websites, social media accounts, letterheads, forms, building signage, business cards and other virtual and physical items will begin changing to the GVR name and logo. 

“By becoming Greater Vancouver REALTORS®, we will take on a more modern brand, name and logo, but more importantly we will help drive clarity in our purpose as an organisation,” King said.

Why are we rebranding?

In the past few years, we’ve done considerable public research that found confusion with the REBGV brand. The public wasn’t clear who REBGV represents and what we do. We believe that this new brand will make it easier for different audience groups to understand who we are, what we stand for, and who we represent. 

"Our strategic pivot toward a new brand also signifies a commitment to affecting positive change in our communities on your behalf," Jennifer Quart, Chair of GVR's Board of Directors said. "Going forward, when we advocate for housing affordability solutions, donate to community or charity causes, or communicate the latest housing market information, the public will know that these activities are done on behalf of our Realtor community."

Service excellence

This new organizational name is meant to demonstrate our deep commitment to represent, serve, and advocate for our all Realtors who work and live across the region.  

By making our name your name, we are also pledging our commitment to continue to support, advise, and champion our membership.

Legal name vs our new brand

While we are adopting the new GVR brand, it’s important to note that we will keep The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver as our legal name.  

This means that our legal contracts will still display our old name, and we’ll still be able to receive cheques and invoices from you made out to REBGV.

Real estate reimagined

Our new strategic plan calls on us to lead professionalism and innovation in real estate in a way that reimagines the way real estate is transacted. This rebrand marks an exciting step toward these goals. It also represents a new chapter in our history that we look forward to writing with you.

Where you can find GVR

Once this re-brand is officially in place next week, our existing (REBGV) websites and emails will automatically re-direct to new (GVR) websites and emails.  

Here’s a summary of what our new websites will be starting February 12: 

Public website: 

Member portal: 

Member news blog:

Learn more

Read our FAQ to learn more about the new brand and how it will be implemented.  

While we appreciate opinions will vary about the creative elements of any new brand, it’s important to note that we followed best practices at every step of this initiative and worked with a well-regarded design and advertising firm with considerable re-branding experience and expertise. 

This change seeks to strategically position us to  better achieve our long-term goals around professionalism and innovation in real estate. 

We'll share more context around this decision, including having video interviews with the designers and senior staff involved, to provide more insights around this change. In the meantime, we ask for you to keep an open mind about this change before learning more and seeing different ways that this brand can be applied across different channels.

Thank you for being a vital part of this journey. We are excited about the future and the impact Greater Vancouver REALTORS® will have on our community starting Monday and for generations to come.