Listings on the MLS® will soon include new sale statuses to help REALTORS® and home buyers and sellers get a better sense of how far along it is in the lifecycle of a transaction.

These new statuses will be visible anywhere the MLS® listing is posted, from Paragon to, starting in late May to early June.

What are the new statuses?

There will be three new statuses:

  1. Active Under Contract – This optional status will be used when a listing has an accepted offer with subjects on it. If your brokerage has permitted use of this status, and you have the Agent Modify ability, you can change to this status on your own.
  2. Pending – Replacing the current “Sold” status, this status will be applied to listings that have an accepted subject-free offer, or once all subjects are removed.
  3. Closed – Listings will automatically move to this status at the end of their completion date.

The “Active Under Contract” status will be available to all members with agent modify ability, but your brokerage may apply rules on whether you can use it, or how you can use it. Please check with your office to see how they intend to use the status.

Please note that association staff will not be updating listings from Active to Active Under Contract.

More recent sold prices coming to

Along with the new sale statuses, we also plan on including more recent sold prices for listings on public-facing listing websites like

After the starting date in late May to early June, all listings with the new “Closed” status will automatically show their sale price.

We’ll provide more information on the new sale statuses and public facing sold prices in the coming weeks.

Questions? Please contact the MLS® department at