At a glance (3 minute read):

  • Your Board began our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) journey in 2020, and our DEI Advisory Group has continued this work. 
  • We're offering two online sessions in June, each worth one PDP hour, that you can attend at no cost that'll raise your awareness of DEI concepts like cultural allyship and unconscious bias. 
  • Our Different Side of Real Estate video series share member experiences with racism and sexism. Watch and share these conversation-starting videos today.

In 2020, your Board began our diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) journey by joining the lieutenant governor of BC’s “Different Together” campaign. With this, we affirmed our commitment to stand up against racism and promote respect and opportunity for all people. 

Since then, we formed a DEI Advisory Group with REBGV staff and members to explore ways to continue this important work. The group developed a statement defining our commitment to adopting and promoting DEI for the betterment of our profession and the communities you serve as REALTORS®.

Learn more at our online events in June

REBGV is offering two online events at no charge for members focusing on DEI concepts that’ll deepen your knowledge around subjects like cultural allyship and unconscious bias. Here are the details:

The Human Side of Unconscious Bias - June 27, 10 am

Join us online Tuesday, June 27 at 10 am for a free and engaging session on unconscious bias with Tina Varughese, a highly sought after presenter known as a ‘go-to’ speaker on issues of inclusion and cultural diversity.

Humans are not born with bias. Biases are formed by past situations, experiences, background, and culture. Unconscious biases typically exist toward gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability (both physical and mental), and weight, and they can affect decision making both professionally and personally, with real impact. 

Attendees will learn to recognize, manage, and mitigate unconscious bias, and to promote diversity and inclusion in their workplaces. Diversity and inclusion can drive innovation, increase productivity, and stimulate creativity while promoting a healthy, happy, and engaging workplace culture.

You’ll also learn about the neuroscience behind unconscious bias, and how creating a culture of inclusion positively affects your mental health and your bottom line. Tina previews our event below:

Learn more and register (log in required)

Cultural Sensitivity and Allyship for Real Estate Professionals

On Thursday, June 1, Dr. Wendy Cukier of the Diversity Institute at Toronto Metropolitan University presented an informative session on cultural sensitivity and allyship. 

She highlighted ways to create a more inclusive work and workplace environment and how that can ultimately benefit your real estate career and business goals.

Watch a recording of the event below:

REBGV members share their stories and reactions

These are a few of the reactions we’ve received from our video series, A Different Side of Real Estate. The series features REBGV members sharing their real-life experiences with racism and gender bias while going about their day-to-day work. 

The videos don’t name and shame but are intended to share perspectives and spark conversations that can help create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all people involved in real estate.

Our videos feature Realtors:

Gemma Wilson

Tina Mak

Ray Arneja

Marce Miller

Watch and share these videos with your colleagues in the profession.