At a glance (2 minute read)

  • We recently discovered an issue with MLS® data that was obscuring historical listings.
  • The data in the history chiclet on your listings will now be more accurate.

As part of our commitment to providing you the most accurate housing market information possible, our MLS® team recently used information from the Land Title Survey Authority (LTSA) to update and improve the accuracy of nearly 33,000 historical listings.

This effort will improve the quality and integrity of Paragon data. Within your listings, this change will make the information found in the history chicklet on Paragon more accurate.

Updating PIDs in historical listings

So, what did we change? LTSA assigns a unique Property Identification Number (PID) to every property in the province. The MLS® uses these PIDs to link listings and build historical records.

If a home is listed before it’s assigned a PID, for example a presale home, Paragon automatically generates a placeholder PID. If that same home is listed again in the future for resale, the real, LTSA-issued PID won’t match the earlier, Paragon-generated PID.

MLS® staff discovered this issue and developed a method to find these mis-matched PIDs and correct them for nearly 33,000 listings.

This work has now been completed.

Questions? Email James Lindow at